Hi, I'm Levy.

I am a NJ-based creative who uses photography to share stories, document life, capture ideas, and spread inspiration.

Few things about me:

  • Favorite Color: Navy Blue. Something about that shade is so crispy to me
  • Favorite Dessert: Love me some Cake
  • Biggest Fear: Being alive and not living out my purpose
  • Greatest Accomplishment: Realizing why I was born and making a conscious decision every day to live that out
  • Favorite Quote: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." ~ Joshua 1:9
  • I love learning new things. I spend a good chunk of my time either reading about, watching, or practicing creative and technological interests

What led me to become a photographer?

Traveling to different parts of the world ignited a spark in me for photography. It was in Italy that I developed a deeper awareness of the significance of capturing moments. Without a still image, a video, or a written memory, our experiences can often be forgotten and left behind.

Still moments and a captured experience are what we bring.

Based in NJ and serving the NY Metropolitan area, STLbyLevy Photography is your brand to capture your special moment, frame by frame.